Update User Information
Only users with the Facility User Administrator role may update user information.
Quick Tip: Do I have the Facility User Administrator role? When logged in to HCAI, User Administrators are able to view the Manage tab and the User Management sub-tab.
To update a user’s information:
- Log into HCAI
- Go to the Manage tab and the User Management sub-tab. (View screenshot)
Explore the side menu for video and text walkthroughs of each specific task
Update User Information
Add New User
- In the User Management sub-tab, press the “Add New User” button. The Add / Edit / View User Details screen appears. (View screenshot)
- Answer the question “Is the User a Provider?”
- If the “Yes” radio button is selected, a drop-down list appears. Select the provider to whom a user profile is being assigned.
- If not, enter the first and last name of the new user.
- Enter a User Name.
- A User Name must contain at least six characters and must be unique within the HCAI system.
- A User Name should only be used by the person it is assigned to.
- Enter the employee ID.
- If your facility does not use employee IDs, enter characters in this field to help identify the user, such as their initials.
- Enter the user's email address. The email address is important so that the user may retrieve their own password if lost.
- You can also enter a phone number for the user if available.
- Select the level of access to assign to the user
- If you select the Provider-level access, consider which patient information the user should be permitted to view.
- Complete the “Grant Access Rights to the User” section to allow the new user to view, update and submit forms for specific Providers.
- Select the name of the Provider or Providers whose patients the user should have access to, and click the arrow button.
- If the new user is also the new Authorizing Officer for the Facility, you must assign the Facility Administrator and the Facility User Administrator roles.
- Click”Submit” to ensure the desired role and level of access have been applied, and – if the changes are correct – click “Submit” again.
- HCAI will display the User Name and temporary password for the new user.
- If an email address was entered, the user receives an email with their User Name and temporary password.
- If an email address was not entered, you must communicate the User Name and temporary password to the new user.
- Click “Done” to close the window.
Please note: if the new user is also the new Authorizing Officer for the facility, you must also update the Authorizing Officer section of the Facility Management tab.
Update User Information
Update User Role/Level of Access
Update User's Role and Level of Access
- In the User Management sub-tab, under the Search for User section, select Active for User Status, enter the last name of the user, and press the “Search” button.
- In the Search Results screen, click on the name of the user who requires changes to their role or level of access. (View screenshot)
- From the Add/Edit User screen, update the user’s role or level of access. (View screenshot)
There are two different levels of access in HCAI – Facility and Provider.
Within the Facility level of access, there are five roles available depending on how much access the user requires.
- Administrator roles allow users to update Facility or user details, whereas report viewer, plan/invoice support and plan/invoice submission roles allow users to generate reports or work with plans and invoices only.
- Within the Provider level of access, users can have a submitter or support role.
- Plan/Invoice Submitters can create, modify and submit OCFs, whereas Support users can only create and/or modify OCFs that have not yet been submitted.
To learn more about the different levels of access and roles for health care users in HCAI, review Chapter 5: Managing Your Users in the Web User Manual.
Please note: if you are updating the roles and/or level of access for your facility's Authorizing Officer, designate the Facility level of access with the Facility User Administrator and Facility Administrator roles assigned.
- Click “Submit” to review the changes and - if they are correct - click “Submit” again.
- The email address field is now mandatory for all user accounts. If the user account did not have an email address associated to it, you will be required to enter an email address before you are able to save any changes you have made. If no email address is entered, an error message will appear at the top of the screen and the changes will not be saved until an email address is entered and “Submit” is pressed again.
Update User Information
Update User Email Address
Update User's Email Address
- In the User Management sub-tab, under the Search for User section, select Active for User Status, enter the last name of the user whose email address needs to be updated, and click “Search”.
- In the Search Results screen, click on the name of the user whose email you wish to update. (View screenshot)
- In the Add/Edit User screen, update the email address.
- Click the “Submit” button, review the changes and - if they are correct - click “Submit” again.
Please note: if the Facility’s Authorizing Officer email address has changed, you must also update the email address in the Authorizing Officer section on the Facility Management tab.
Update User Information
Reset User Password
Did you know? If a user has an email address associated with their account, they can easily reset their own password even when suspended. At the HCAI sign-in page, the User can click “Forgot Your Password?” to reset their password and receive further information in an email.
- To reset a user’s password on their behalf, go to the User Management sub-tab. Under the Search for User section, select Active for User Status, enter the last name of the user whose password needs to be reset, and click “Search”.
- In the Search Results screen, click on the user’s name.
- In the Add/Edit User screen, click the “Reset Password” button. (View screenshot)
- If a valid email address has been provided, the user will receive an email with the temporary password; if no email address was provided, the User Administrator must provide the user with the temporary password.
- Click “Done”.
Update User Information
Deactivate User
- In the User Management sub-tab, under the Search for User section, select Active for User Status, enter the last name of the user to be deactivated, and click the “Search” button.
- In the Search Results screen, click on the name of the user to be deactivated.
- In the Add/Edit User screen, click the “Deactivate” button near the top right of the screen. (View screenshot)
- Click “OK”.
Please note: if the deactivated user was also the Authorizing Officer for the Facility, you must update the Authorizing Officer section of the Facility Management tab.