Scheduled Outage: The HCAI system will be unavailable from 5:00 p.m. (ET) Friday, November 15 to 8:00 a.m. (ET) Monday, November 18
Scheduled Outage: The HCAI system will be unavailable from 5:00 p.m. (ET) Friday, November 15 to 8:00 a.m. (ET) Monday, November 18
Health Care Facility | Insurers | Related Initiatives  

Update Provider Information

Only users with the Facility Administrator role may update provider information.

Quick Tip: Do I have the Facility Administrator role? When logged in to HCAI, Facility Administrators are able to view the Manage tab and the Facility Management sub-tab.

To update a provider’s information:

  1. Log into HCAI
  2. Go to the Manage tab and the Facility Management sub-tab
  3. Scroll down to the Associated Providers section (View screenshot)

Explore the side menu for video and text walkthroughs of each specific task

Update Provider Information

All Providers Must Sign This Form

All providers associated with your Facility must sign an HCAI Terms and Conditions Dependent or Affiliated Provider form.

There are two types of providers in HCAI:

  • “Affiliated” Providers, who sign the “Affiliated Provider Form”, deliver care to patients at your Facility and have an HCAI user name and password
  • “Dependent” Providers, who sign the “Dependent Provider Form”, deliver care at a Facility but do not have access to the HCAI application for this Facility

The provider forms must be printed, signed and stored at your Facility. These forms do not have to be submitted to HCAIP.

Update Provider Information

Add a Provider

Add a Provider

Every person who delivers care to patients at your Facility must be added to your list of associated Providers.

  1. In the Facility Management sub-tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Associated Providers section.
  2. Click on the “Add Provider” button.
  3. A new window opens, called Provider Details. (View screenshot)
  4. Enter the first name and last name of the new provider.
  5. If required, enter the default hourly rate for the provider.
  6. Do not enter an end date for the provider unless you know in advance and are certain when he or she will finish employment at your facility, such as a six-month contract.
  7. Click the “Add Profession” button, then select a profession from the drop-down list.
  8. Multiple professions can be added by clicking the “Add Profession” button again.
  9. If the provider is in a regulated profession, enter their registration number.
  10. Click “Save”.

You will be returned to the Facility Management sub-tab where the new provider(s) name(s) have been added to the list of Associated Providers.

Please note: Ensure each new provider signs the appropriate HCAI agreement form, depending on whether s/he is an “Affiliated” or “Dependent” provider.

  • “Affiliated” Providers, who sign the “Affiliated Provider Form”, deliver care to patients at your Facility and have an HCAI user name and password
  • “Dependent” Providers, who sign the “Dependent Provider Form”, deliver care at a Facility but do not have access to the HCAI application for this Facility
  1. Store these printed and signed forms onsite at your facility. These forms do not need to be submitted to HCAI Facility Support.
  2. If the provider is Affiliated with your facility and requires an HCAI user name and password, you can now add the provider as a user. For more information on how to do this, visit the Add New User elearning.
  3. If you access HCAI via PMS, contact your PMS Vendor to let them know you have added a new Provider.

Update Provider Information

Deactivate a Provider

Deactivate a Provider

To deactivate a provider, you must give the provider an “End Date”, rather than deleting the provider. This is to preserve the history of information on the OCFs that were submitted prior to changes.

Providers who no longer work at your Facility must be deactivated in a timely manner to avoid placing your Facility data at risk of unauthorized access.

  1. In the Facility Management sub-tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Associated Providers section.
  2. Click on the name of the provider to be deactivated.
  3. The Provider Details window opens. (View screenshot)
  4. Using the calendar tool, enter an “End Date” for the provider.
  5. Any user name associated with the provider who is being deactivated will also be deactivated – unless it is also associated with another active provider.
  6. Click “Save”.

Update Provider Information

Add Default Hourly Rate to a Provider

Add Default Hourly Rate to a Provider

HCAI allows Facilities to insert default hourly rates into a Provider’s profile. HCAI will then do the calculations on the Provider’s corresponding line items in a plan or invoice. If a default hourly rate is not inserted into a Provider’s profile, the calculations must be done manually on the plan or invoice.

  1. In the Facility Management sub-tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Associated Providers section.
  2. Click on the Provider’s name.
  3. In the Provider Details section of the Provider Registration screen, enter the default hourly rate in the space provided.
  4. Click “Save”.

Update Provider Information

Add Profession to Provider

Add Profession to Provider

Once entered in HCAI, certain Provider information, such as name and profession, cannot be updated. This is to preserve the history of information on forms submitted prior to changes.
You can, however, add new profession(s) for a provider once they have been added to HCAI. To do this: (View screenshot)

  1. In the Facility Management sub-tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Associated Providers section.
  2. Click on the provider’s name to open the Provider Details window.
  3. In the Profession Details section of the Provider Registration screen, click the “Add Profession” button, and select a profession from the drop-down list.
  4. Multiple professions can be added by clicking the button again.
  5. If the provider is in a regulated profession, enter their registration number.
  6. Click “Save”.

Update Provider Information

HCAI Provider Number

If you access HCAI via PMS and your system is asking you to add an HCAI Provider Number for a new Provider, this cannot be done via the HCAI application. You must contact your PMS Vendor for help with this task.

Update Provider Information

Only users with the Facility Administrator role may update provider information.

Quick Tip: Do I have the Facility Administrator role? When logged in to HCAI, Facility Administrators are able to view the Manage tab and the Facility Management sub-tab.

To update a provider’s information:

  1. Log into HCAI
  2. Go to the Manage tab and the Facility Management sub-tab
  3. Scroll down to the Associated Providers section (View screenshot)

Jump to:

All Providers Must Sign This Form

All providers associated with your Facility must sign an HCAI Terms and Conditions Dependent or Affiliated Provider form.

There are two types of providers in HCAI:

  • “Affiliated” Providers, who sign the “Affiliated Provider Form”, deliver care to patients at your Facility and have an HCAI user name and password
  • “Dependent” Providers, who sign the “Dependent Provider Form”, deliver care at a Facility but do not have access to the HCAI application for this Facility

The provider forms must be printed, signed and stored at your Facility. These forms do not have to be submitted to HCAIP.

Add a Provider

Every person who delivers care to patients at your Facility must be added to your list of associated Providers.

  1. In the Facility Management sub-tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Associated Providers section.
  2. Click on the “Add Provider” button.
  3. A new window opens, called Provider Details. (View screenshot)
  4. Enter the first name and last name of the new provider.
  5. If required, enter the default hourly rate for the provider.
  6. Do not enter an end date for the provider unless you know in advance and are certain when he or she will finish employment at your facility, such as a six-month contract.
  7. Click the “Add Profession” button, then select a profession from the drop-down list.
  8. Multiple professions can be added by clicking the “Add Profession” button again.
  9. If the provider is in a regulated profession, enter their registration number.
  10. Click “Save”.

You will be returned to the Facility Management sub-tab where the new provider(s) name(s) have been added to the list of Associated Providers.

Please note: Ensure each new provider signs the appropriate HCAI agreement form, depending on whether s/he is an “Affiliated” or “Dependent” provider.

  • “Affiliated” Providers, who sign the “Affiliated Provider Form”, deliver care to patients at your Facility and have an HCAI user name and password
  • “Dependent” Providers, who sign the “Dependent Provider Form”, deliver care at a Facility but do not have access to the HCAI application for this Facility
  1. Store these printed and signed forms onsite at your facility. These forms do not need to be submitted to HCAI Facility Support.
  2. If the provider is Affiliated with your facility and requires an HCAI user name and password, you can now add the provider as a user. For more information on how to do this, visit the Add New User elearning.
  3. If you access HCAI via PMS, contact your PMS Vendor to let them know you have added a new Provider.

Deactivate a Provider

To deactivate a provider, you must give the provider an “End Date”, rather than deleting the provider. This is to preserve the history of information on the OCFs that were submitted prior to changes.

Providers who no longer work at your Facility must be deactivated in a timely manner to avoid placing your Facility data at risk of unauthorized access.

  1. In the Facility Management sub-tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Associated Providers section.
  2. Click on the name of the provider to be deactivated.
  3. The Provider Details window opens. (View screenshot)
  4. Using the calendar tool, enter an “End Date” for the provider.
  5. Any user name associated with the provider who is being deactivated will also be deactivated – unless it is also associated with another active provider.
  6. Click “Save”.

Add Default Hourly Rate to a Provider

HCAI allows Facilities to insert default hourly rates into a Provider’s profile. HCAI will then do the calculations on the Provider’s corresponding line items in a plan or invoice. If a default hourly rate is not inserted into a Provider’s profile, the calculations must be done manually on the plan or invoice.

  1. In the Facility Management sub-tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Associated Providers section.
  2. Click on the Provider’s name.
  3. In the Provider Details section of the Provider Registration screen, enter the default hourly rate in the space provided.
  4. Click “Save”.

Add Profession to Provider

Once entered in HCAI, certain Provider information, such as name and profession, cannot be updated. This is to preserve the history of information on forms submitted prior to changes.
You can, however, add new profession(s) for a provider once they have been added to HCAI. To do this: (View screenshot)

  1. In the Facility Management sub-tab, scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Associated Providers section.
  2. Click on the provider’s name to open the Provider Details window.
  3. In the Profession Details section of the Provider Registration screen, click the “Add Profession” button, and select a profession from the drop-down list.
  4. Multiple professions can be added by clicking the button again.
  5. If the provider is in a regulated profession, enter their registration number.
  6. Click “Save”.

HCAI Provider Number

If you access HCAI via PMS and your system is asking you to add an HCAI Provider Number for a new Provider, this cannot be done via the HCAI application. You must contact your PMS Vendor for help with this task.

Download PDF Manual

Managing Your Facility User Manual (PDF)
