Track My OCF
Work in Progress
The Work in Progress tab contains OCFs that have been submitted but not yet adjudicated. Here you can review and track the status of your submitted OCFs.
How do I know if my OCF has been submitted?
How do I know if my OCF has been submitted?
HCAI provides a confirmation message once an OCF has been successfully submitted. The message states “You have submitted document number…” This unique number can be used to track your OCF. (View screenshot)
What does ‘status’ mean?
How do I know if my OCF has been submitted?
On the Work in Progress sub-tab, each OCF is assigned a status. The following list describes what is meant by each status that the HCAI system assigns to an OCF:
- Submitted – The plan has been submitted but not yet reviewed.
- Review Required – The Insurer has opened the OCF.
- In Discussion – The Adjuster has posed a question for the Facility that submitted the form.
- In Discussion; Response Sent – the Facility has replied to the Adjuster’s question
What if my OCF has not yet been adjudicated?
How do I know if my OCF has been submitted?
OCFs submitted via HCAI are subject to the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). HCAI is not responsible for enforcing the SABS timelines.
If you have submitted an OCF and it has not been adjudicated within the SABS published timeline, contact your Patient’s Adjuster/Insurer.
How do I search for a submitted OCF?
How do I know if my OCF has been submitted?
Use the Search tab find an OCF that meets specific criteria. The search is done on submitted OCFs only—draft OCFs are excluded. (View screenshot)
- Click the checkbox next to the search criteria value to generate only an exact match. When the “Exact Match” box is checked off, the search results will be identical to the criteria entered. When “Exact Match” is unchecked, forms with similar criteria will be displayed.
- Click “Advanced Options” at the bottom of the Search screen to search by document type, adjudication status, or archival status.
- Click search to find the OCF you are looking for. If there is more than one search result, the results will be arranged by the date they were submitted, with the most recent result appearing at the top.
- Use the “View” drop down on the top right of the Search Results box to change how many items display on the page.
To download your search results, click the “Download Report” button on the top right of the Search Results box. This allows you to save the results as a .CSV file, viewable in spreadsheet software. Your software settings will determine how the data is displayed.
Downloading the report will allow you to view information about multiple documents at once, including the date each document was submitted alongside the date it was last modified.
- Please note: Only the results currently displayed on the page will be included in this report. Use the “View” drop down to display up to 100 items per page. If the document search generated more than 100 items, navigate to the next page to download a report of the additional items.
How do I search for an archived OCF?
How do I know if my OCF has been submitted?
Use the Search tab to search for an archived OCF. The search is done on submitted OCFs only (draft OCFs are excluded).
- Click “Advanced Options” at the bottom of the Search screen.
- Beside Archived Status, select the “Archived” button to search for an archived OCF. You may fill in any other search criteria to narrow your search. (View screenshot)
- Click search to find the OCF you are looking for. If there is more than one search result, the results will be arranged by the date they were submitted, with the most recent result appearing at the top.
- Use the “View” drop down on the top right of the Search Results box to change how many items display on the page.
To download your search results, click the “Download Report” button on the top right of the Search Results box. This allows you to save the results as a .CSV file, viewable in spreadsheet software. Your software settings will determine how the data is displayed.
- Please note: Only the results currently displayed on the page will be included in this report. Use the “View” drop down to display up to 100 items per page. If the document search generated more than 100 items, navigate to the next page to download a report of the additional items.