Access Request
Learn how claimants can request access to their own personal information.
Request to Access Personal Information
How Your Information is Used
HCAI is an electronic system that allows your Health Care Provider and your Insurer to safely and quickly exchange your claim information. HCAI employs security measures to keep your information secure while it is in the system. Your health care provider will let you know when they are submitting a form for you and, at times, may require it to be signed by you. Feel free to ask about the submission of your claim—it is your right to do so.
Accessing your Personal Information
You can request to see what personal information has been submitted to HCAI. If there is a reason for making this request, please first approach your Insurer. In most circumstances, there will be no need to make the request directly to HCAI. However, should you decide to contact us anyway, please use the following instructions.
Important: the return address cannot be a Postal or Parcel Box as the responsive records will be sent via courier.
Instruction to the claimant making the request
Note that all sections are mandatory with the exception of the section 2 that must only be filled in if the requester is not the claimant.
To ensure we disclose information to you only, you must provide two (2) identification documents (one of which must be a copy of government issued ID) that verifies your legal name, address, and date of birth (see Service Ontario for more information about acceptable government-issued documents). Note that at least one document must show your address, as documented on the claim you are requesting access to. To protect your privacy, we recommend that you redact any information not required to verify your name, address, and date of birth (e.g. height on a driver’s license).
The accepted documents are as follows. Do not provide the originals, just a copy.
If the claimant is younger than 16:
Birth certificate with parental information; or
A legal document demonstrating that the requester has sole custody or guardianship for the claimant.
If the claimant is 16 or older:
A consent form signed by the claimant; or
A power of attorney document.
Instruction to a law firm
Provide us with a direction letter. This letter must include the following:
The first and last name of your client as they appears on the claim;
The claim number;
The date of accident;
Your file number (if any); and
The lawyer to whom the information must be sent.
In addition, you will also have to attach a consent form signed by your client authorizing us to disclose the request information to you.
Submit the request
You can submit your request via:
HCAI Processing
C/O Privacy Office
2235 Sheppard Avenue East
Atria II, Suite 600
Toronto, ON M2J 5B5
Email (Please note that emails sent over the internet are not secure and may be lost, intercepted, misused or altered. HCAI Processing is not liable for the loss, interception, misuse or alteration of any confidential information sent by email.)