2017 marked a significant milestone as HCAI celebrated its 10th anniversary. We’ve come a long way this past decade, and in the coming year we continue on the path of improvement. 2018 will feature two System Releases that are designed to make the HCAI application and guidelines simpler to use and understand. These releases are scheduled to be deployed in the spring and fall of 2018.
Spring System Release 3.19 – Live April 9, 2018
We’ve heard that guideline rules can sometimes be challenging for both Insurers and Facilities to remember. To assist you, Release 3.19 will introduce links and prompts to make navigating the applicable guidelines easy and transparent, such as:
Prompts for Facilities and Insurers on the OCF-21B if a service provider submits an invoice for an OCF-18 more than once per month
Validation messages to Facilities and Insurers on the OCF-23 and OCF-21C if Minor Injury Guideline amounts are exceeded
Links to HCAIinfo’s Resources page for quick access to the Superintendent Guideline, the Attendant Care Hourly Rate Guideline, the FSCO service provider registry, and other important resources
Links to HCAIinfo.ca at the top of every page of the application
We’ve also improved the OCF search screen to make searching for OCFs more intuitive, and as always we continue to support newer versions of web browsers.
Fall System Release 3.20 – Live October 1, 2018
After the success of the Form 1’s pilot in HCAI, FSCO has confirmed that starting October 1, 2018, all Facilities enrolled with HCAI when submitting the Form 1 (Assessment of Attendant Care Needs) to Insurers, must do so electronically, using either a PMS system that is integrated with HCAI, or the HCAI web application.
Facilities have had the option to submit Form 1s via HCAI since fall 2016. Resources explaining how to submit the Form 1 via HCAI are available on the Provider Support page.
Invoices for attendant care services will continue to be submitted and processed outside of the HCAI system.
What’s Next?
HCAI is committed to providing Health Care Facilities with details to help you prepare for system releases. The general timeline for Release 3.19 communication activities is below:
Keep checking HCAIinfo—HCAI’s dedicated eLearning resource site—for more updates and information throughout the year.
As always, a separate communication has been issued to Practice Management System (PMS) vendors to give them ample time to implement and test any changes that may affect PMS users.
Please share this Year Ahead bulletin with individual(s) at your organization who interact with HCAI.