![HCAI Update – HCAI 2020: The Year Ahead News Article Placeholder Image](/images/Year-Ahead-Default-616.jpg?)
2020 will be a significant year that marks the completion of HCAI Modernization Phase 1. The year’s key focus will be the implementation of Release 3.22 on February 3, followed by the migration of every insurer to an enhanced HCAI application on dates scheduled between February and October. Our goal is to have every insurer using the exciting new features that will become available after migration by the end of October 2020.
System Release 3.22 – Live February 3, 2020
Some system enhancements will be visible on February 3, 2020. These have been described in the previously-distributed HCAI Update – Release 3.22 bulletins for Adjusters and for Management & Administration. At a high-level, you can look forward to seeing:
An enhanced Form Adjuster role, allowing users to view read-only claim and claimant details for their assigned claims.
A new user role, Manager Dashboard Viewer, enabling insurer and branch-level users to view the Dashboard.
A tool allowing administrators to transfer claimants to new adjusters in bulk.
The ability to create teams using the new Team Administrator role – though the benefit of teams won’t be fully seen until you migrate.
The ability to update multiple users’ level of access or status at once, which will come in handy after migration.
Enhancements Visible After Migration
After the release is implemented, all insurers will migrate to unlock changes that will significantly simplify the processes for both adjusters and administrators. Some examples of the improvements are:
Your Plans, Invoices, Work in Progress, and Adjuster Response tabs are merged into a single new Documents tab with enhanced filtering options allowing you to customize your worklist to suit your needs.
Immediately access the PDF version of a document right from your worklist.
Claimants are now assigned directly to user accounts – now called the Claimant File Owner – allowing for streamlined user administration and easy document filtering.
The Claimant File Owner field will populate across HCAI on documents, search screens, and worklists, allowing you to quickly filter by the user who’s assigned to the claimant.
Team functionality is enabled - view your team’s worklist, dashboard, search for documents and claimants that belong to a team, and generate reports for a team.
Branches are replaced by claim groups. If a user is granted access to a claim group, they’ll have access to all documents within the group. This will facilitate searching, filtering, worklist sharing and vacation coverage. Access to a claim group can be restricted as needed. We’ve also created a tool that will allow you to transfer claims to new claim groups in bulk.
…and more! As your migration date approaches, you will receive detailed information about the coming changes and HCAIinfo.ca will provide step-by-step instructions for new functionality.
RSVP to Attend a Migration Workshop
Your company received an email from HCAI in late November inviting you to attend a workshop that will help you understand and prepare for migration. Two business leads from your company need to attend one of the workshops. These should be individuals who are part of your Accident Benefits team, and who are familiar with HCAI and your current setup within the system.
The following workshop dates are available:
Integrating Insurers: January 28, April 21, May 28, and September 10.
Non-Integrating Insurers: January 21, February 25, March 24, May 26, and June 9.
Mutual insurance companies: A special workshop will be hosted at the OMIA offices in Cambridge, Ontario on April 22. This is a great chance for mutuals to receive migration information that is more tailored to their needs and we encourage you to attend. To RSVP, you can email OMIA directly.
If your company is unable to travel to Toronto, please email insurersupport@hcaiinfo.ca for assistance.
Integrating and Non-Integrating workshops will take place at IBC’s Atria office in North York.
Please RSVP to insurersupport@hcaiinfo.ca with your desired date and the contact information for your two business leads.
System Release 3.23 and 3.24 – June 1st and November 16th, 2020
System Release 3.23 and 3.24 are scheduled to go live on June 1st and November 16th of 2020. However, these releases are technical in nature and will not have material impact on work processes or migration. These releases will not affect integration. More details will be provided as the release dates approach.
Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System is No Longer Supported
As of January, Microsoft will no longer support Windows 7. It is highly recommended that you access HCAI from a supported, up-to-date browser and operating system. Microsoft recommends upgrading to Windows 10. For more information about recommended system settings, visit HCAIinfo’s Computer Requirements page.
2020 Planned HCAI System Unavailability
For Release 3.22: January 31, 2020 – February 3, 2020
The HCAI system will be unavailable from 5:00 p.m. (EDT) on Friday, January 31, 2020 and is expected to resume active status at 8:00 a.m. (EDT) on Monday, February 3, 2020.
All integrating insurers must have all of their integration transactions successfully processed by 4:59 p.m. (EDT) Friday, January 31, 2020.
For Release 3.22: May 29, 2020 – June 1, 2020
The HCAI system will be unavailable from 5:00 p.m. (EDT) on Friday, May 29, 2020 and is expected to resume active status at 8:00 a.m. (EDT) on Monday, June 1, 2020.
For Release 3.24: November 13, 2020 – November 16, 2020
The HCAI system will be unavailable from 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday, November 13, 2020 and is expected to resume active status at 8:00 a.m.(EST) on Monday, November 16, 2020.