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HCAI Update Bulletin

HCAI Update - Release 3.28: October 3, 2022 

Aug 4, 2022
HCAI Update - Release 3.28: October 3, 2022  News Article Placeholder Image

HCAI System Release 3.28 is scheduled to go live on October 3, 2022. This bulletin provides an overview of the enhancements included in this release.

If your company is integrated with the Claim-Claimant Feed or All-Data Extract, please be aware there are integration changes in this release. Ensure your technical team reviews the Integration Bulletin that was distributed to Insurer contacts on June 8, and the Technical Document that was distributed on June 17.

System Release 3.28 will include the following updates:

  1. New User Activity Report and Audit Report Viewer User Role

    We’re introducing a new report that will help administrative users audit and review user activities. The new User Activity Report contains an audit log of the selected user(s) activities on the HCAI web application.

    A new user role called the Audit Report Viewer role is also being added to HCAI. Assigning this role to a user will grant them access to the new User Activity Report. Because the report may include confidential information, this role can only be assigned to Insurer-level users and will be unassigned by default.

    In order to grant a user at your company access to the User Activity Report, their account must be updated with the Audit Report Viewer Role. For instructions explaining how to update a user account, visit HCAIinfo’s Updating User Information page.

    Please note that the existing “User ID Activity Report”, which provides an overview of User Administrator activity, will be renamed to “User Administrator Activity Report” in order to avoid confusion.

    • Enhanced .CSV downloads

      CSV downloads are being enhanced to better accommodate special characters and to align their behaviour across the HCAI application. Here are the changes that users who view CSV downloads can expect:

    • When an item in the spreadsheet begins with certain special characters, a single quote (‘) will be added to the beginning of the cell. This change impacts CSV downloads across the HCAI application such as web reports, search results downloads (e.g. Document Search, User Search, and Claimant Search), and the Associated Documents section in OCFs.

    • There will be an exception for monetary fields. Where negative amounts display as ($200), there will be no single quote added.

    • If the added single quote results in the field exceeding its maximum length, the text will be trimmed and replaced with an ellipsis (…) to indicate this is not the complete text.

    • The unnecessary comma at the end of the line in CSV downloads will be dropped.

    • Document and Claimant Search Results .CSV downloads will also be enhanced to enclose values in double quotes only in certain scenarios (i.e. where a comma, double quote, or carriage return and line feed character is present). This will align these reports to behave the same way as the other CSV downloads across HCAI.

  2. New Recommended Browsers

    For the best user experience, access HCAI on a secure, up-to-date web browser. As of Release 3.28, we recommend using Microsoft Edge on Windows 10, or Safari 15 on MacOS Monterey (Version 12.1).

Planned HCAI System Unavailability

Please be aware of the upcoming system unavailability window required to implement System Release 3.28:

Friday, September 30 – Monday, October 3

  • The HCAI system will be unavailable from 5:00 p.m. (EDT) on Friday, September 30, 2022 and is expected to resume active status at 8:00 a.m. (EDT) on Monday, October 3, 2022

  • Insurers must have their transactions successfully processed by 4:59 p.m. (EDT) Friday, September 30, 2022