Phase 1 of HCAI Modernization
Phase 1 modernization of the HCAI system is all about responding to insurer feedback. Now well underway, Phase 1 involved extensive insurer consultations, including on-site visits with insurers of all sizes and structure. We also worked with user and advisory groups, and conducted surveys to find out where we should focus our efforts. You identified five key areas for improvement. These included multiple worklists, unmatched documents, multiple profiles, multiple logins and transfer of work to support work simplification. HCAI has already delivered enhancements that have addressed many of these items, including:
Improved matching functionality, which has increased the document matching rate by 16% overall and currently 90% of all documents are auto-matched upon receipt.
The merger tool, which allows separate insurers to link together in HCAI. Currently 26 companies have taken advantage of the tool since spring 2017, improving their adjusters’ access to worklists and reducing their need for multiple user logins.
The HCAI Dashboard, created to provide users a complete view of their business at a glance. Evidence shows that adjusters are actively using the Dashboard in their day-to-day work to determine which items are of greatest priority.
The Claimant Financial Summary, which is accessible directly from the Dashboard for a consolidated view of the documents associated to a claimant in HCAI and a summary of the amounts proposed, approved, and taxed.
Other improvements to your user experience, including the new Claim-Claimant Editor role, the ability to apply reason codes in bulk, changes to the document search screen, enhancements to the Associated Documents section of all OCFs, and more!
Now, HCAI is completing the final Release of Phase 1 Modernization that will result in a more straightforward application that is tailored to your needs.
The Final Release of Phase 1: February 3, 2020
As we announced in the 2019 Year Ahead bulletin, Phase 1 of HCAI Modernization will culminate on schedule in a final release, coming February 3, 2020.
The full scope of System Release 3.22 enhancements will not be immediately visible when you log in on February 3. To take advantage of the exciting functionality that caps off Phase 1, insurers will schedule a date in 2020 to migrate to the new view of HCAI, with IBC’s support.
Some of the features you will be able to use after your organization migrates include:
A new worklist called My Inbox, which offers more flexible filtering options to view your plans and invoices, and eliminates the need for an individual to have multiple user accounts.
A PDF button beside each item on your worklist, enabling you to view and print OCFs quickly and easily.
Team functionality to further enhance your filtering options and allow the sharing of worklists with teammates
The Claimant File Owner field, which will allow claimants to be assigned directly to users, eliminating Adjuster Profiles and streamlining user setup
Claim Groups, an improved way for insurers to organize claims and provide adjusters access to documents.
More information about Release 3.22 features will be available throughout the year.
How Will My Organization Migrate?
IBC will facilitate workshops to help your organization understand, prepare for, and complete migration.
Your migration date will be scheduled in advance so that your HCAI leads have time to make key decisions about new HCAI functionality and prepare users for their new inbox.
Keep an eye out for further communications in the coming months as IBC begins planning and scheduling workshops with all insurers.
What's Next?
Share this HCAI Update with individuals at your organization who interact with the HCAI system.
Integrating insurers will receive more information soon so you can begin planning with your integration team.
Keep checking HCAIinfo – HCAI’s dedicated eLearning resource site – over the coming months for more information.